
Music for Shakespeare and St George! [Hampton]

Saturday 22 April 2023
19:30 to 21:30

The Lovekyn Consort perform music to celebrate Shakespeare's birthday and St George's Day, both of which fall on 23rd. April. We will perform a new selection of Elizabethan and Jacobean songs associated with his plays as well as theatre tunes and patriotic songs to celebrate the saint's day.


This concert will start at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be served before the concert and during the interval.


The Lovekyn Consort

Patricia Hammond - Voice

William Summers - Renaissance Flute, Recorder

Stephen Carpenter - Lute, Renaissance Guitar


Contact William
07949 652 315
Garrick's Temple to Shakesepeare, Garrick's Lawn
TW12 2EJ
(view map)
Cost £12; £6 Temple volunteers, full-time students, under-18s.