O Gloriosa Domina - devotional and popular songs from Renaissance Spain [Southwark]

Wednesday 19 December 2018
19:30 to 21:30

The Lovekyn Consort will mark Christmas with sacred and festive music from Spain during the period of its political consolidation and imperial expansion [late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries], with a style unique in Europe for its rich harmonies and joyful dance rhythms.


Patricia Hammond - Voice

William Summers - Flute, Recorder

Stephen Carpenter - Vihuela, Guitar

 Amanda Seaborn - Bass Viol

Advance tickets are available via https://bit.ly/2yZudYj

Contact William
07949 652 315
The Golden Hinde, St Mary Overie Dock, Cathedral Street
(view map)
Cost £7.50 online; £10 at the door [booking via www.goldenhinde.co.uk