'Classically Done': Airs for the Seasons [Vauxhall]

Monday 05 September 2016
20:00 to 21:30

The League of Harmony perform ‘Airs for the Seasons’ - 18th.-century music associated with flowers by Oswald; trios and sonatas by JC Bach, Paxton and Cervetto; dances by Playford

 William Summers - Baroque Flute

Mike Parker - Baroque Pedal Harp

Rosemary Edwards - Baroque Celloo


To book, please follow https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/classically-done-tickets-26098652773

Contact William Summers
07949 652 315
Tea House Theatre, 139 Vauxhall Walk
SE11 5HL
(view map)
Cost £10 in advance; £13 on the door; £5 under-16s, carers, benefits